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22 Apr 2011


If Mounties 'Always Get Their Man', what do Postmen always get?
- Their Mail.

Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river?
- Because it has four eyes and it can't even see!

Who is the fastest runner in the whole world?
- Adam, because he was the first in the human race.

What is higher without the head, than with it?
- A pillow.

Why is an island like the letter T?
- Because it's in the middle of water.

When is a chair like an expensive scarf?
- When it's Satin.

If everyone bought a white car, what would we have?
- A white carnation.

What is the best cure for dandruff?
- Baldness

What do you call a man who doesn't have all his fingers on one hand?
- Normal - You have fingers on both hands!

If you threw a White stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?
- Wet

What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
- A Towel

How many letters are there in the alphabet?
- Eleven, (T..h..e...A..l..p..h..a..b..e..t)

Where does Friday come before Thursday?
- In the Dictionary.

When is a car, not a car?
- When it turns into a parking lot.

What's the difference between a Jeweler and a Jailer?
- A Jeweler sells watches....A Jailer watches cells.

What invention lets you look right through a wall?
- A window.

A boy fell off a 100 foot ladder. But he did not get hurt. Why not?
- He fell off the bottom step.

What has a ring, but no finger?
- A telephone

What bank never has any money?
- The riverbank

What wears a jacket, but no pants?
- A book

What can clap without any hands?
- Thunder

What has a bark, but no bite?
- A tree

What ship has two mates, but no captain?
- A Relationship.

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